Kitchen Accessories

Kitchen Fitters Manchester


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Pullouts & Mechanisms

Elite Pullout

Elite Larder


Combi Pullout

Dynamic Pullout

Elite 150

Smart Larder

Sink Pullout

Pegasus Chrome

Box File Links

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Drawers Systems

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There are many different options available when it comes to drawer runners and drawer systems. There are standard runners, soft close runners. Push to open drawers systems call Tip Touch.

You can have metal sided drawers, solid timber drawers with dovetails or maybe even frosted glass sides to your drawers which are a really nice feature. Let us know which you prefer.

There are even internal drawers for tall larder cabinets which are basically a tower of drawers in various depths that sit within a tall larder unit. The larder unit would have a standard door and once this door is opened you have access to the internal larder drawers.

Pull outs

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There are so many options available when looking for storage solutions within the kitchen. Kitchen design is all well and good getting things looking pretty and symmetrical.

You can create your perfect looking kitchen and be the envy of your friends, however that counts for nothing if the kitchen does not actually work for you on every level practically as well as aesthetically.

Following the link to the left to see all the brilliant storage solutions on offer. There will no doubt be one which is perfect for your own kitchen space. It may be a tall storage solution you need to get the most out of the height in your kitchen or maybe a corner pullout mechanism to get the most out of that dead space in the corner

Dont worry. Our designers will help you choose the right one.

Pull Out Bins

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The humble bin. As we all know every kitchen needs a bin somewhere. Bins are not the prettiest of kitchen necessities but we all need one.

For years and years we all had a stand alone bin somewhere within the kitchen, usually stuck in the corner somewhere or even in a porch so it couldnt be seen. Sometimes under a spare space under a worktop if you were lucky.

As the years have gone by and aesthetics in kitchens have become more and more important kitchen manufacturers appreciated  the need to provide a solution for this kitchen necessity.

Not only have they provided many different solutions but they have done it in a discreet way. If you need a traditional bin or a bin that deals with recycling we will have the solution you need.